
The Aims of the Camp

The Morland Choristers Camp aims to provide choristers and staff with a happy and fulfilling course whereby they: experience spiritual growth; perform a variety of music to a high standard; thrive in an atmosphere of security, fellowship and trust; learn and have fun.

In so doing, the Camp: seeing all people as of value and made in the image of God, aims to provide equality of opportunity regardless of age, gender, appearance, sexuality, race, creed or disability (subject to observance of Camp’s musical and pastoral policies); aims to follow environmentally-friendly practices and favour suppliers who support ethical approaches to business.


It is our hope that anyone with special needs can be included in the Camp and all its activities.
We keep an open mind about who can come and how they can manage. We aim not to prejudge, knowing that the person and their parents know far better than we do what is and is not possible.
We ask that special needs are declared as far in advance as possible, so that we can clarify any requirements and do what needs to be done to ensure the person’s health, safety and (as far as possible) enjoyment of the sessions.
If there prove to be limitations which our staff feel they cannot overcome, then further discussions with the person and/or his/her parents will occur with a view to finding solutions.
Ultimately it must be in the discretion of the Camp staff and trustees whether an individual can be permitted (for their own safety, or for the health and safety of others in our care) to join – or continue in – the Camp, but it is sincerely hoped that we will never have to admit defeat, and that all matters relating to special needs can be taken in our stride.


It is a fundamental policy of Morland Camp that no-one shall ever be refused a place on financial grounds. Choristers often receive financial help from their home churches, and scholarships or grants are available from other sources. The key point is that any chorister who would like to come should be able to come, and the camp’s organisers will work with the chorister’s family to ensure that that happens. Visit Grants and Bursaries for more information.

View Our Policies

Equal Opportunities and Access
Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion
Music and Churchmanship
Safeguarding and Child Protection