2023 Registration Form (Under 18)

This Pre-Camp Registration Form is for choristers aged under 18 who are taking part in the 2023 Morland Choristers Camp.

All choristers who have applied to come to Camp this year must now complete the Pre-Camp Registration Form
(Seniors who will be aged 18 or over on August 1st please click here for the right form).

You also need to check the information we currently hold for you in relation to this year’s Camp and a copy of this has been sent to you via email.  That email also tells you what is the balance of the fee owing.

If you have not had the email, please contact the Admin Team: admin@morland.org.uk / 07507 764683 (Cathy Martin)

This form is to be completed by the parent/guardian/carer of choristers aged under 18.
You must give an answer to any question marked with a red asterisk. (*)

PART 1 - Details of chorister

(as the chorister wants to be called at Camp - this is the name which, with their surname, will be printed on Camp lists and on their Name Badge)
If you would like to display to your preferred personal pronouns on your badge, please enter them here.
Please first check that the information we currently hold for you in relation to this year's Camp is still correct - you should recently have received an email which included all that information (if you have not received such an email please contact one of the admin team urgently - admin@morland.org.uk or Cathy Martin: 07507 764683).
Please indicate clearly in the box below what information needs to be amended. (i.e. from what to what)
(the "Joining Instructions" document is also available on the camp website)
We would like to offer all Junior Leaders the opportunity to have their own personal tents on the campsite. Please indicate their preference here.

PART 2 - Attendance at events

We greatly appreciate the support of parents, families and friends who are able to attend the services, concert and lunch and prizegiving on the final Friday/Saturday/Sunday of Camp, some travelling long distances to get there. Everyone will be most welcome at the church services (no booking required) which are Choral Evensong in Carlisle Cathedral on Friday at 5.45pm, CA3 8TZ (please note there is no parking available in the Cathedral grounds, Parish Eucharist in Morland Church on Sunday at 10.15am, CA10 3AZ (preceded by the choristers singing in robed procession down the High Street from the Village Hall) and Final Thanksgiving Service in Morland Church on Sunday at 3.30pm. For the Concert on Saturday evening and Lunch and Prizegiving on Sunday afternoon we no longer sell tickets but we do invite donations on the day at each event - and your generosity will be appreciated ans much as your support in attending! To help us plan seating and refreshments, could you give us an indication of likely numbers attending below:
at Penrith Methodist Church, Wordsworth Street, Penrith CA11 7QY.(https://www.penrithmethodist.co.uk). Please note that parking is limited in the area close to the church: you are advised to allow more time to locate a car park and walk to the venue.
at Morland School & Church.

PART 3 - Emergency contacts during camp week

In case Camp staff need during the week of Camp to contact someone with parental authority, please give contact details here.
(please put no-email@mcc.org.uk if an email address is really not available)
Please give us ALL phone numbers by which we might be able to contact the chorister's parent/guardian/carer during the week of Camp. This may include home, work, mobile and also a local number if you are travelling from further afield to be in the Morland area for the end of Camp.
If the Chorister's parent/guardian/carer might not be available during the week of Camp, please give details here of an alternative person who you are happy to delegate parental responsibility to. Please give their name, relationship to chorister (if any) and all emergency contact phone numbers during the week of Camp - which could include home, work, mobile and maybe a local number if they are travelling from further afield to be in the Morland area for the end of the Camp week.
(07507 764683 / admin@morland.org.uk)
(07507 764683 / admin@morland.org.uk)

PART 4 - Health & Safety

It is important that Camp staff are made aware of any medical condition that a chorister has, or other situation affecting their well-being, with details of any medication, special diet or other action that might be required. This includes any allergies or sensitivity to particular foods or chemicals, even if not life-threatening. It is also helpful to know of conditions that are occasional rather than constant. Excitement, tiredness or unfamiliar surroundings can sometimes exacerbate these. Even where it is not possible to stop them occurring, knowing of them in advance will make dealing with them easier.
We particularly ask you to tell us of recent exposure to infections or other conditions that are liable to be spread when choristers are in close proximity day and night for a week. Where exposure has occurred we expect a chorister's local GP or other relevant authority to have been consulted, to confirm that it is appropriate for the chorister to attend the Camp and that the risk of spread when in Morland is minimal. Please give us details of the opinion of your local GP or other authority if this situation arises. Information on recent exposure is also important information for the Camp staff and our local medical practitioners if a chorister becomes unwell while at Morland. Please inform the Camp's Admin Team (07507 764683 or admin@morland.org.uk) if any exposure arises after completing this form.
(07507 764683 / admin@morland.org.uk)
Should we need to contact NHS 111 or other health care provider, we are likely to be asked to provide this information
If there are any home circumstances that might cause a chorister to feel worried or concerned during Camp - for example, an issue at school or a family illness - it would be helpful for Camp to be made aware of this. Such information would of course be treated sensitively. [The Camp staff includes qualified teachers, First Aiders, and other people experienced in looking after children.]

PART 5 - Balance of fees

The full fee for the 2023 camp is £385, the deposit is now non-returnable, the balance of fee is due and it becomes non-returnable if the chorister withdraws and the place cannot be filled. The remaining balance you need to pay (if any) has been confirmed by email and is now due.
If you have not had this confirmation, please contact the admin team (admin@morland.org.uk or 07507 764683)
You can pay your final balance, which has been emailed to you, either by bank transfer: Sort Code 40-52-40 (CAF Bank), Account 00022528 (Name: Morland Choristers Camp) or by debit or credit card (please note that a small card processing charge of 1.5% applies to payments by credit or debit card)

PART 6 - Additional comments, checking and submitting

A copy of the information given on this form will be automatically emailed to this address.

Please be sure to click on the Submit button just above here and if any parts of the form then show red error messages please be sure to deal with them.

Successful completion of the above form will result in you being transferred to the ‘Pay Balance’ page. Only if you reach that page will the information you provided have reached us.

If you don’t get an email confirming that we have received your Pre-Camp Registration Form (with a list of all the information you gave) within 2 hours of submitting the form, please check your spam folder, or contact the camp’s Admin Team: admin@morland.org.uk / 07507 764683 (Cathy Martin)


Choristers are asked to bring with them any non-prescription medication that they know they are likely to need during the week of Camp. However, the Camp keeps a stock of standard First Aid products (adhesive dressings, bandages, antiseptic wipes etc) and non-prescription medication (the current list of which is shown below). In Part 4 above (Health & Safety), parents/guardians/carers are invited to authorise Camp staff to administer general First Aid to the Chorister and to supply the listed medication products if required. Anything used would be administered in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.  Please say clearly in Part 4 above if any First Aid or similar products or other medication is unacceptable or inappropriate for the Chorister concerned. 

Morland Camp’s current list of standard non-prescription medication is:

For general pain relief: Paracetamol 500mg tablets/caplets or Ibuprofen or liquid Paracetamol (Calpol Six Plus).
For cough/sore throat: Halls Soothers (various flavours).
For dry cough & sore throat: Boots dry cough linctus (or similar).
For chesty cough: Boots chesty cough linctus (or similar).
For indigestion: Gaviscon Peppermint Liquid Relief (or similar).
For sun protection: Sun protection lotion (factor 30 or above).
For dry skin, itching, sunburn: E45 Dermatological Cream.
For chapped lips: Vaseline.
For skin rashes/irritation: Calamine Lotion.
For bites/stings: Boots Repel pump spray, Boots antihistamine cream.
For cuts/grazes: Savlon antiseptic cream.
For bruises: Arnica cream (Nelsons Arnicare).
For muscle pain: Boots Muscle Pain Relief.
For mouth ulcers: Boots Mouth Ulcer gel.

Morland Choristers Camp is a registered charity – Number 1104768