Z-2021 Entry Form: age under 18

This Entry Form is for choristers who will be
aged under 18 on 1st August

This Entry Form asks for a fair amount of information so we suggest that before you start to fill in this form you check through to see what information you will need – unfortunately it is not yet possible to save part-completed forms.

If you have any doubts or queries when completing this form, please contact the camp’s Admin Team (by email: admin@morland.org.uk or Cathy Martin: 07507 764683)

You must give an answer to any question marked with a red asterisk. (*)


(as the chorister wants to be called at Camp - this is the name which, with their surname, will be printed on Camp lists and their name badge)
in years and months
If the chorister does not have an email address, please instead enter a parent/carer email address, and please see the ‘Use of the contact details of under-18 choristers’ section later in this form.
If the chorister does not have a mobile phone, please instead enter a parent/carer mobile phone number, and please see the ‘Use of the contact details of under-18 choristers’ section later in this form.
(We can’t promise that this will be possible but we always try and it usually is. This option is only available to those who are aged under 16.)
There are some opportunities for Choristers to play or sing a "party piece" at informal concerts throughout the week if they would like to - this is entirely voluntary. The Camp also sometimes needs instrumental accompaniment for the singing.
We would like to know so that it can be recorded and congratulate you.
I confirm that the chorister will be available to attend the Camp in Morland from the afternoon on Sunday July 25th until after Evensong on Sunday afternoon August 1st 2021. Evensong will start at 3.30pm.
In order that rail tickets at the best price can be obtained through group booking, the London Train Party information will be circulated in advance of the main Camp joining instructions. Tick here if you would you like to have details of this. (Ticking the box does not commit you in any way at this stage).


It is important that Camp staff are made aware of any medical condition that a chorister has, or other situation affecting his/her well-being, with details of any medication, special diet or other action that might be required. This includes any allergies or sensitivity to particular foods or chemicals, even if not life-threatening. It is also helpful to know of conditions that are occasional rather than constant. Excitement, tiredness or unfamiliar surroundings can sometimes exacerbate these. Even where it is not possible to stop them occurring, knowing of them in advance will make dealing with them easier.

This is generally found to be the most convenient approach for Choristers and Camp Staff alike. Where, however, such an approach is impractical for a particular chorister, the Camp\’s Nurses/First Aiders will gladly assist.

If there are any home circumstances that might cause a chorister to feel worried or concerned during Camp – for example some issue at school or a family illness – it would be helpful for Camp to be made aware of this. Such information would of course be treated sensitively. [The Camp staff includes qualified teachers, First Aiders, a nurse and other people experienced in looking after children.]

Please give the name and phone number for the Chorister's Doctor or Medical Practice

Please read these carefully and use the tick boxes to indicate your acceptance. All four authorisations must be acknowledged by you.

[Though I note that there will always be at least one member of staff formally on Duty, and with overall responsibility, from 2.30pm on the first Sunday afternoon until the train parties leave on the final Sunday evening.]
(as indicated in the note/list at the foot of this form) and/or any medication already prescribed for the chorister.


A copy of the information given on this form will be automatically emailed to this address.


I note that the £25 deposit is now due and that when I press Submit at the end of this form I will be given options on how to pay it
I note that the deposit will be returned if a place cannot be allocated; that the deposit is non-returnable after March 31st; that the full fee for the 2021 camp is £360 and that the balance is due by July 1st; and that the full fee becomes non-returnable after June 30th if the chorister withdraws and the place cannot be filled.
For the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation 2016, I agree that information provided on this form and by other means may be stored and used for the purposes of organising the Camp; and that contact details, photographs and other selected data may be made available to staff, choristers and others in connection with Camp as considered appropriate by the organisers.
Parents/carers are asked to note and support the camp’s protocols for communication with choristers aged under 18, which are as follows.

Overall, when the camp needs to contact an under-18 chorister the parent/carer will be contacted, not the chorister. In the event that an adult connected with the camp receives a communication from an under-18 chorister, the camp will reply to the parent/carer, not to the chorister (or, in the case of an email received, the reply may be to the chorister copied both to the parent/carer and to the camp’s main ‘admin’ email address).

There are four possible variations to those general provisions.
1. During camp week only, and in emergency only, a phone call might be made to an under-18 chorister’s mobile phone. This is the only reason that parents/carers are invited to provide the camp with the chorister's mobile number. The parent/carer is given the option of providing their own mobile number instead.
2. Immediately after camp, automated emails are sent directly to every chorister to give them a link to an online survey and encourage them to complete it. This is the main reason that parents/carers are invited to provide the camp with the chorister’s email address. The parent/carer is given the option of providing their own email address instead.
3. If parents/carers have chosen to give the camp an email address for the chorister, it will be used for general ‘bcc’ mass mailings about future Morland Camps and Friends of Morland events.
4. Morland Camp has a tradition, dating back to the time of the camp’s founder Canon Gervase Markham, for exchanging hand-written letters with choristers. The camp is keen for this tradition to be preserved, and the protocol for it is as follows:
(a) For hand-written letters being sent to the camp, parents/carers/choristers are given camp’s official postal address at Newby End Farm (NEF), which is the address of the camp’s General Manager, David Jones. In the event that a letter from an under-18 chorister is received by another adult connected with the camp it is forwarded unanswered to the General Manager.
(b) The General Manager opens all letters received from under-18 choristers, forwards, by email, letters intended for other adults as required, records the details of each letter received and any reply sent, and stores securely online scans of all such letters received and sent.
(c) Hand-written replies sent to under-18 choristers are written under the camp’s official NEF address, not the adult’s personal address, and are checked by a second adult before being dispatched. The envelope is addressed to the parent/carer, not to the chorister, so that the parent/carer has the choice whether or not to pass the letter on to the chorister.
I note that photos/videos are made at the Camp, and that these will sometimes show name badges, but that it is the Camp’s strict policy that photos/videos and public documents must not disclose contact details or personal information which might enable an individual child to be identified. I note that the Camp Rules now cover the use of mobile phones, cameras and social media, and that public guidance on the safe use of the internet by children is readily available. I undertake to contact the Camp’s organisers well in advance of the camp if I have any particular concerns on any of this.


Please be sure to click on the Submit button above. Please be patient, this may take a few minutes – please only press Submit once.

If any parts of the form then show red error messages please be sure to deal with them.

Successful completion of the above form will result in you being transferred to the ‘Pay Deposit’ page. Only if you reach that page will the information you provided have reached us.

If you don’t get an email confirming that we have received your Entry Form (with a list of all the information you gave) within 2 hours of submitting the form, please check your spam folder, or contact the camp’s Admin Team (by email: admin@morland.org.uk or Cathy Martin: 07507 764683)


Choristers are asked to bring with them any non-prescription medication that they know they are likely to need during the week of Camp. However, the Camp keeps a stock of standard First Aid products (adhesive dressings, bandages, antiseptic wipes etc) and non-prescription medication (the current list of which is shown below). In Part 4 above (Health & Safety), parents/guardians/carers are invited to authorise Camp staff to administer general First Aid to the Chorister and to supply the listed medication products if required. Anything used would be administered in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.  Please say clearly in Part 2 above if any First Aid or similar products or other medication is unacceptable or inappropriate for the Chorister concerned. 

Morland Choristers’ Camp’s current list of standard non-prescription medication is:

For general pain relief: Paracetamol 500mg tablets/caplets or Ibuprofen or liquid Paracetamol (Calpol Six Plus).
For cough/sore throat: Halls Soothers (various flavours).
For dry cough & sore throat: Boots dry cough linctus (or similar).
For chesty cough: Boots chesty cough linctus (or similar).
For indigestion: Gaviscon Peppermint Liquid Relief (or similar).
For sun protection: Sun protection lotion (factor 30 or above).
For dry skin, itching, sunburn: E45 Dermatological Cream.
For chapped lips: Vaseline.
For skin rashes/irritation: Calamine Lotion.
For bites/stings: Boots Repel pump spray, Boots antihistamine cream.
For cuts/grazes: Savlon antiseptic cream.
For bruises: Arnica cream (Nelsons Arnicare).
For muscle pain: Boots Muscle Pain Relief.
For mouth ulcers: Boots Mouth Ulcer gel.

Morland Choristers’ Camp is a registered charity – Number 1104768